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List of wheelchairs below

When buying a wheelchair for yourself or for your loved ones, it is worth considering whether and how often it will be used during the journey?  What features must a stroller have if you want to take it with you on a longer trip, for example by car?  

If you do not have a special car with the possibility of transporting people with disabilities, or if you are unable to throw the wheelchair in its entirety "in the box", see what features a good stroller has for a trip._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

- Ma Be lightweight, preferably on a fixed frame

- It's nice if it folds

- It had lightweight detachable wheels

- All parts in the wheelchair (if necessary) should be quickly disassembled.

- Posiadał najważniejsze indywidualne funkcje wózka np. ratujące w nagłych przypadkach ( np; rozkładane oparcie           90 degrees if you faint).

A wheelchair prepared for transport should take up as little space as possible. If it is frame  ultra lightthen you have three parts to put in the trunk. (frame, two wheels + possibly a pillow )  Therefore, if you have anotherwheelchair for self-mobility, ifsteel wheelchair, to return whether the stroller has at least:

 -folding backrest,

 -seamless wheel quick release,

 -folding push handles,

 -detachable footrests and armrests.


Below is a link to the article, how to secure a wheelchair while traveling.

Good job - link.

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