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Standard wheelchair for a dependent person. P127

This is the most popular category for people who have limited mobility and are unable to ride a wheelchair on their own.
Seniors are often found in this group.

Najważniejsze aby taki wózek  był wygodny, składany i posiadał trwałą konstrukcję.



NHF financing limit: PLN 600

Code on application: P.127


Cheap and solid

Manufacturers tempt with a low price by releasing a basic stroller on the market. Choose a stroller according to your needs. The cheapest stroller with one additional option may be more expensive than another that has cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ it as standard.


Convenient for transportation

We drive a car and complain about potholes in the road. It's the same with the stroller. Not only the wheels but the seat cushion or a well-placed center of gravity can improve this discomfort. You can't forget about the guardian. Its convenience or ability to react quickly during transport means safety  for a person in a wheelchair.


In XXL size

The XXL dimension is not only the size but
and most importantly, weight. Strollers are durable but can you make a mistake
in their purchase?  There is a risk
something you don't take into account. Use our help and fill it outsurvey.

Open Space Office

Cheap and solid


There is no need to overpay if the stroller will be used to temporarily move a person from place to place. Warto pomyśleć aby był składany, nie zajmował dużo miejsca w pomieszczeniu  gospodarczym, czekając na ponowne wykorzystanie._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


Convenient for transportation


When transporting a stroller, two criteria are important: weight and whether it takes up little space. 

By putting the stroller in the trunk, you will appreciate the lighter weight.  The amount of space used will determine whether you can take additional suitcases on a trip.

Anchor 1

In XXL size

Vermeiren v100 XXL.jpg

Trolleys are very durable and prepared to work with heavier loads. Remember to choose the correct width of the trolley and anti-decubitus protection.
For long walks on uneven terrain, an additional brake is always advisable.


Manual wheelchair - definition National Health Fundfor refund.

  • Wózek inwalidzki ręczny (kod NFZ P. 127 [dorośli] i P. 128 [dzieci] w list of medical devices)

Uprawnieni do jego dofinansowania są dorośli oraz dzieci począwszy_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_od 3. to 18. years old, with permanent limitation of independent walking.

Limit dofinansowania z NFZ wynosi 600 zł.

Limit dofinansowania na remont wózka inwalidzkiego tego typu to 180 zł.

The own contribution beneficiary in financing of the medical device is 0%.

Ręczny wózek inwalidzki osobie dorosłej przysługuje raz na 5 lat,_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_dziecku – raz na 3 lata.

editor's note; a person with poor walking ability, walking around the house, for short distances, with legs that get tired quickly and with balance disorders while walking, may apply for a grant for this wheelchair from the limit P127 or P128.

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