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Special trolley


A trolley for demanding people. Users
z tej kategorii wózków są dotknięte poważnym rodzajem niepełnosprawności.  Wózki z tej kategorii są_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_safe, with the possibility of change of body position and helpful for the carer during nursing service. 

Comfortable, pleasant to the touch p/bedsore upholstery, trunk stabilization
and head are the basic requirements for special wheelchairs.


NHF funding limit: 3000 zł

Code on application: P.130

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Inovys II mokka - relaxing view double p

Changing body positions

You sit and it's tiring, sometimes you want to rest. It's the same in a wheelchair. The adjustable angle of the backrest and seat will allow you to assume an almost gravity position. Legs up and the whole body weights the upholstery evenly.  Comfortable for napping

and rest. 

PL - inovys_tarta.jpg

Convenient and secure in transport

When we want to use a wheelchair, let us protect ourselves or  the closest ones in a wheelchair at the highest level. It is important not to slide off the wheelchair or not to deepen the pathological curvature of the spine and keep your head straight.  It is important to plan the wheelchair options according to the mobility and reflexes of the person in the wheelchair. 

Open Space Office

Changing body positions

Altitude E - sideview tilted - table - B

Each change of position in the wheelchair requires energy.  Thanks to hydraulic cylinders, we can do it easier and, most importantly, smoothly. There are also electric solutions on the market, convenient for the carer and the user of the wheelchair.

Kotwica 1

Convenient and secure in transport

PL - inovys_tarta.jpg

Correcting bad torso alignment
and head should be a priority.
There are special backrests on the market: e.g. TARTA or Stabilo. They allow for individual adjustments for each segment of the spine and neck.

Please browse the market offer of strollers below.

If you want to read more about the grant -here.

Kotwica 2

Special wheelchair - definition National Health Fundfor refund.

Special wheelchair (NFZ code P.130 [adults] and P.131 [children] w_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf), list of medical devices np. wózek inwalidzki o napędzie elektrycznym, wózek stabilizujący plecy i głowę czy wózek z_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_upright function. Please note that the toilet wheelchair is excluded from the_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3dffundacja!

Special wheelchair_CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B-136BAD5CF58D_PRZYSIA_CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B-136BAD5CF58D_Dorosły and_CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B-136BAD5CF58D_ year life do completed_cc781905-5cde_3194-bb3b. lat, z palsy and triple, quadriplegic, unilateral or

Limit dofinansowania z NFZ wynosi 3000 zł.

Repair limit 900 zł.

The own contribution beneficiary in financing of the medical device is 0%.

Wózek inwalidzki specjalny osobie dorosłej należy się raz na 4 lata,_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_child - once per 3 years.

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